Stumbo Leaning Toward Supporting Medical Marijuana



FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) -- A leading Kentucky politician is weighing the idea of legalizing medical marijuana in the state.

House Speaker Greg Stumbo said Wednesday that research shows marijuana can have a positive impact on health and that he's leaning toward supporting the notion of allowing people to use it medically.

Stumbo said the topic is worth debating.

Legislation to legalize medical marijuana has been introduced in the General Assembly in the past but has never received the support needed to pass.

Stumbo raised the issue after Attorney General Jack Conway released an advisory letter Wednesday informing state leaders that growing industrial hemp remains illegal in Kentucky.



0 #1 RE: Stumbo Leaning Toward Supporting Medical MarijuanaSheree Krider 2013-09-25 22:48
I suppose that either we will have Hemp or we will have "Medical Marijuana". Both of which will be regulated and gmo'd by the Government. It's a damn shame that we are fighting back and forth over a plant - that never should have been touched to begin with by the Government.

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